

admin 热门 2024-02-12 104浏览 0

  关于”竞赛“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:competition。以下是关于竞赛四级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。

  Each coin has o aspects, practical and greater benefits: ① ② ③ youth pblems of college students. In the pcess of competition, the competition beeen knowledge and time is no different fm a competition. They invest as much time as possible in the ocean of knowledge, while some people give up the psuit of knowledge and enjoy the happiness bught by time.

  Facts have pved that knowledge economy will become the feate of the fute centy, which is a direct challenge to the leaders of college students in the new centy. If a student realizes the challenge and realizes that ryone has youth, only once, he or she will nr let the youth down, and knowledge always keep ahead in the race against time.


  每一个硬币都有两个方面更多实践更大好处:①②③对大学生青年问题。在这种竞争过程中,知识与时间竞争无异于一场竞赛在知识海洋中投入尽可能多时间,而有些人则放弃了对知识追求,享受时间所带来快乐大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。事实已经证明,知识经济将成为未来世纪特征,这是对新世纪大学生者直接如果一个学生意识到了,并且认识到任何人都有青春,只有一次,他或她永远不会让青春失望,帮助知识永远在与时间赛跑中保持领先宠物。

  I want to compete for English subject representatives. I want to take part in the English subject class leadership competition con for con ['k ɒ n] [K ə n't ɛ st] vt VIN speech con bety con singing con with scope [K əʊʊ P] [Kop] VIN copy flap Albert copy floor copy Wendy scope val ['ra ɪ VL] 's opponent, Knight's opponent, and Beethoven's val company's opponent.


  我想竞争英语学科代表我想参加英语学科班竞赛con for con['kɒn][kən'tɛst]vt Vin演讲比赛选美比赛唱歌比赛用cope[kəʊp][kop]Vin cope flask Albert cope floor cope Wendy cope val['raɪvl]党对手对手王国对手公司对手贝多芬。

  To compete with someone for something in a competition sral companies in competition a contract company must be able to compete in the , have the ability to be competent for something, and he has enough ability to fill the position. I summaze her as a competent v大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. Everyone in modern society is facing fierce competition, becse the unemployment rate is too high, the employment competition is fierce, the competition is fierce, the competition is fierce, the distbution of something beeen someone in a library is distbuted according to the theme, and some kinds of plants are widely distbuted.


  ★★:★★★6★★★★竞v,与某人竞争某物在竞赛中竞争几个公司在竞争合同公司必须能在市场上竞争有能力有能力胜任某件事他有足够能力来填补这个职位我把她总结为一个称职经理胜任力n,竞争n竞争adj competition v,competition]n,参加一场比赛举行一场高尔夫比赛与某人争夺某物现代社会每个人都面临着激烈竞争,因为失业率太高,就业竞争激烈,竞争激烈,竞争激烈,在某人之间分发某物在某处图书馆里书是按主题分配一些种类植物是广泛分布。




